Intravenous NAD+ Therapy: A Promising Treatment for Addiction and More

NAD+ Promising Treatment for Addiction

Intravenous NAD+ Therapy: A Promising Treatment for Addiction and More

In recent years, Intravenous Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (IV NAD+) therapy has garnered attention as a promising treatment for addiction and related disorders. Located at the crossroads of neuroscience and metabolic health, IV NAD+ therapy possibly offers a potential breakthrough in treating addiction, by impacting the cellular and molecular processes underlying this complex condition.

The Neurobiology of Addiction and NAD+’s Role

Addiction is increasingly understood through the lens of neurobiology, where it is linked to the dysregulation of neurochemicals and impaired neuronal circuits. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), a coenzyme found in all living cells, plays a crucial role in cellular energy production, DNA repair, and regulation of stress responses. Intriguingly, recent research highlights its significant impact on brain function, particularly in areas related to addiction and reward pathways.

How Does IV NAD+ Work?

IV NAD+ therapy involves the direct infusion of NAD+ into the bloodstream. This bypasses the digestive system, allowing for maximum absorption. In the context of addiction treatment, this method helps to replenish brain NAD+ levels efficiently, facilitating the restoration of normal brain biochemistry. By boosting the body’s levels of this crucial molecule, IV NAD+ therapy can help to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings, providing a smoother path towards recovery.

Benefits of IV NAD+ in Addiction Treatment

Reduction in Withdrawal Symptoms: Patients undergoing IV NAD+ therapy often experience a significant reduction in the severity of withdrawal symptoms, which can be a major barrier to overcoming addiction. Decrease in Cravings: NAD+ helps to normalize the brain’s neurotransmitter levels. This balance is crucial for reducing cravings, which are often a response to neurotransmitter imbalances.

Enhanced Brain Regeneration and Repair: NAD+ plays a role in repairing and regenerating brain cells. This can improve cognitive function and decision-making, which are often compromised in individuals struggling with addiction.

Non-addictive Treatment Option: Unlike some treatments for addiction, NAD+ therapy does not have the potential for abuse or addiction, making it a safer alternative.

Success Rates and Scientific Support

Clinical evidence, though still emerging, suggests that IV NAD+ can significantly impact recovery rates in individuals dealing with substance abuse and addiction. Studies have noted that patients treated with IV NAD+ show a marked improvement in reducing relapse rates. For instance, a retrospective case series indicated that patients undergoing NAD+ therapy experienced prolonged periods of sobriety, with a notable decrease in cravings and depressive symptoms. The studies were completed with multiple infusions and although single infusions were effective in maintaining reduction in cravings etc., but not sustainable. Meaning that a “series” of infusions were administered during the period of withdrawal which improved overall success rates.

NAD+ Therapy at Klearmind

At Klearmind in Roseville, we are committed to integrating the latest scientific research into our treatment protocols. IV NAD+ therapy is part of our holistic approach to treating addiction, supported by a team of healthcare professionals who specialize in addiction medicine and holistic care. We believe in treating the individual as a whole, understanding that recovery extends beyond physical health to encompass mental and emotional well-being.

Staying True to Science

While the potential of IV NAD+ therapy is immense, it is important to approach this treatment with a clear understanding of its scientific basis and potential limitations. Ongoing research and clinical trials will continue to shed light on the efficacy of this treatment, guiding its application
in clinical settings.

At Klearmind, we are at the forefront of applying scientifically backed treatments like IV NAD+ to help our patients achieve the best possible outcomes. Our commitment to research, patient care, and innovative treatments.


IV NAD+ therapy marks a promising advancement in combating addiction, both globally and in the Sacramento area. By potentially alleviating withdrawal symptoms, diminishing cravings, and supporting brain health, this treatment corresponds with the increasing demand for effective and comprehensive addiction management strategies. At Klearmind, our commitment lies in leveraging the transformative power of NAD+ to enhance lives and promote sustainable recovery.

Learn more about NAD IV Infusion Therapy Services with Klearmind Ketamine & IV Hydration Clinic.


Braidy N, Villalva MD, van Eeden S. Sobriety and Satiety: Is NAD+ the Answer? Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 May 14;9(5):425. doi: 10.3390/antiox9050425. PMID: 32423100; PMCID: PMC7278809.

KlearMind Ketamine & IV Hydration Clinic – Proudly Serving the Sacramento and Roseville Region

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