What Is Ketamine?
Ketamine is a synthetic medication that was originally used as an adjuvant to anesthetics in the 1960s. It was used in the Vietnam war to reduce physical pain due to injuries. At higher dosages, it is used in the operating and emergency rooms for surgeries as a large part of an anesthetic regimen.
In the 1970s, Ketamine was approved by the FDA as an anesthetic and has since been used around the world in both humans and animals. It is a safe and successful anesthetic used regularly in hospitals, dentist offices, medical clinics, and veterinary care since its development.
Within the past several decades, ketamine was found to have beneficial effects on patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD), and Suicidality (Cureus).
Depression is now one of the leading causes of disability around the world. In the United States, over 16 million adults experience major depression within the course of a year. Between 2011 and 2022, the number of deaths due to suicide increased by 16% (kff.org)

Our Ketamine Treatment Protocol
The protocol at KlearMind was created to be consistent with the general agreement for infusions in the treatment of mental disorders that are resistant to medications. In addition, we understand that chronic pain and mood disorders occur on a spectrum, and each patient can respond differently. Therefore, each infusion is calculated to each patient and can change with each treatment.
Why Ketamine Therapy
Ketamine has shown to work more rapidly when compared to antidepressants in certain medication-resistant patients. It continues to show promising results in the field of mental health and recently nasal ketamine was approved by the FDA. Hence why some researchers feel that it could play an impactful role in preventing suicide, improving depression and mental health.
Notably, with the recent events from the pandemic, thera has been a significant surge in depression and worsening of mental health that is now at the forefront of our daily lives. We here at Klearmind hope we can help and guide our patients through this process and improve their lives for the better.